
Sunday, 19 October 2014

The Graphic Design-Odd-Writer with Much to Much to Say

Hi! What to say about myself, I'm at a loss. Intros aren't the easiest things to write. I guess I should tell you a little bit about what I enjoy and plan for this blog. That sounds hopeful.

Ever since I was little, I've had a thing for writing. At first it was princesses, then pirates and at this moment I'm obsessed with spies. I seem to have themes!

I've always been an odd person. From my habit of taking my camera everywhere with me to singing along to my music (no matter where I am). I don't really mind being different. I think there's a really famous quote about why it's better to be different than everyone else, but I can't remember it at the moment. Any ideas what it was?

Anyway, I seem to be a little bit crazy about graphic design. I spend a lot of my time making up blog designs on my private play-around blog. I designed this blog design, what do you think? I seem to have problems with headers, but I'm pretty proud of this one.

I'm an introvert. I don't get out much. I would much rather stay home and write alone on my computer.

So, onto my blog! I'm hoping to post tutorials, maybe some blog designing ones; bits of writing, videos of just about anything and plenty of random stuff. With me doing random stuff!

Welcome to my NEW blog: Above the Storm.

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